Scintilla icon Localized ChSciTE

ChSciTE in Languages Other Than English

Localized versions of ChSciTE

The localized versions of ChSciTE are the same as those of SciTE, except that the following additional definitions specific to ChSciTE are added at the end # ChSciTE specific definitions Launch Ch Shell= Parse= Run= ChSciTE Help= About ChSciTE=

To use one of these translations, download the file, rename to "" and move into the same directory as global properties such as the directory "C:/Program Files/ChSciTE" in Windows.

Localizing ChSciTE

The menus and dialogs can be translated into another language by modifying the file which should be stored in the same directory as the global properties such as the directory "C:/Program Files/ChSciTE" in Windows.

If you translate ChSciTE, please make the translation available to others. You can post your new and updated translation files at Ch User Group. The most updated translation files will be made available here.

If you contribute a translation, then it is assumed you want it to be made freely available under the same conditions as ChSciTE, unless there is a comment in the file stating otherwise.